
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hey everyone! I haven't posted anything in quite a while, but I wanted to let you know the reason for that. I've been using Blogger for quite some time, but more recently have really gotten tired of having multiple blogs for different subjects instead of being able to have a single blog where I can post many different things. Because of this I have spent some time looking around for a new blog host and decided to move everything to Wordpress. It should be easier for me, and all of you, since everything will be in one place. Hope you guys like it.


You can find my new blog here!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Hey guys! Been a long time since I posted anything on here, I know. But I've got a new project that I've been working on for a while and recently dedicated myself to seeing it through to the end. I as of yet do not have a plot for this story, since I am currently focusing my attention on building the world in which it takes place. But what I can tell you is that I am hoping to create a world that is truly interesting to be immersed in, and I want to have a fantastic plot to go with it. I'll keep you all updated as I develop more information.
    Thank you for your patience.
~ Jake

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Opening Scene

This is the opening scene to a story I've been working on more recently. Have to work out more of the world itself before I move forward, but I decided to write a little teaser.

My eyes opened to the vast expanse of space, the stars sparkling like jewels in the darkness. The ship turned to yield a view of the red planet. We had made it, and the journey was half over. We continued past Mars and on past its moons, within an hour arriving at our destination.
    The hypergate lay before us. It stretched two and a half miles across; a small distance in space, but quite large in comparison to our ship. “Gate activation in 3....2....1....”” a voice crackled over the intercom. I had only dreamed of this moment.
    A bright beam of energy flew past us, striking the side of the gate. The energy arced and crawled around the metal ring, connecting on the opposite side after just a few moments. “This is it...” I whispered to myself. The energy began to fill the empty space, and as as it connected an explosion of color and light was sent out from the center. A chill shot through my spine. Two hundred years of development and here it stood, humanities greatest achievement. But I was leaving most of humanity behind now. Earth was at my back, and unknown worlds lay ahead. I closed my eyes as the ships stasis cells were activated again, dreaming of the moment when we arrived.
    My name is John Kiersin, and this is my story.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Poem "Until The Sky Breaks"

Until the sky stoops low,
Until it shatters from the weight,
Until the stars fade out,
Until the sky breaks,
We will fight on,
We brothers in arms,
We fight for each other,
We fight for our homes,
Until such a day as we are to fall,
We will fight on,
Until death gives its call.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Drabble "Obsession"

For those of you who don't know what a drabble is, it is a sort of writing game where a prompt is given, and the participants are given five to ten minutes to write a one-hundred word piece based on that prompt. Since it's very difficult to make it exactly one-hundred words, I sometimes go a little over or am a little under. But here is one of mine.


"I couldn't help myself. The gears, the springs, the metal. Every little detail had to fit into place so perfectly to make it work. Not a single part could be spared or left out. It had to be perfect, it must be. The gentle tick of previous projects surrounded me, all of them perfectly in sync with one-another. How could anyone ignore their beauty? It didn't seem right. So often ignored, but they were a feat of technology to be revered. I placed the last gear into the piece and closed it, unable to stop myself from staring into the crystal face and admiring my work. These were my obsession."